Key West Scuba Diving in August

Change the dog days of summer into Spiny Lobster days by planning some Key West scuba diving in August. Lobster season is in full swing and it’s the perfect time to sample one of the Keys’ best seafood treats. Average surface water temperatures peak at 86°F in mid-August then begin to slowly drop off. Visibility is mostly good to very good.

August Weather Outlook
The Key West summer heat continues through August with temperatures averaging just below 90°F most of the time. A nearly constant high overcast provides some relief as does the cooling 9.3mph ocean breeze out of the east. Scattered thunder showers move through in the afternoons. From the ocean to the poolside, it is easy to spend most of the day in the water.

August Marine Life
Look for large creatures like Sting Rays and Nurse Sharks sheltering along the bottom of the reef. Wreck divers may encounter schooling Great Barracudas, Bull Sharks, and Tarpon.

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American Museum of Natural History Admission Ticket

American Museum of Natural History Admission Ticket

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